Dec 23 2020 Oct 08 2020 Signs that you ain’t doing great (and it might be time to ask for help)
Sometimes, life gets a little too much for us to hack – and it’s times like these we need to get brave, reach out and ask for help or support. Here are some signs that you might not be doing greatJun 17 2020 5 ways to support your male friends
This week is Men’s Mental Health week, and while we’re making great strides at smashing the stigma when it comes to men and mental health, men are still experiencing mental health conditions such as depression and substance use disorders at alarming rates, and dying by suicide at a rate three times greater than females.Nov 20 2019 Spring Cleaning For The Soul
We’re told to discard and dust off material things we no longer need but how often do we look within ourselves to see what we need to let go of? In celebration of Spring being the season of growth and rebirth, we’re taking this opportunity to declutter the dusty pockets of our mind, to make them fresh for the approaching new year.Oct 15 2019 6 things you shouldn’t say to a mate who’s not ok
Sometimes the people in our lives go through tough stuff. We want to be a good friend and help them out, support them and be there for them, but often it’s really hard to know what the right thing is to say.Sep 30 2019 What you’re afraid of is smaller than you imagine
As children, without the increased knowledge or experience to rationalise and put things in perspective, we find fear in lots of places. We learn from the world around us what is dangerous and what might hurt. And we pack up that fear and store it inside our bodies in order to keep us safe as we grow and explore the wider world.Jul 31 2019 Self Sabotage: Get Out of Your Own Way
Let’s cut right to it: sometimes, you get in your own way. This week, we’re exploring the way Self-Sabotage Sally shows up in our lives, what she usually sounds like and how to get her out of the way.Jul 29 2019 The Practise of Letting Go
Letting go is a process. It is sometimes painful, sometimes effortless but should be continuous. In this piece, we’re not talking about burning everything that once belonged to your ex, sending angry text messages, having a big cry or dancing the pain away (though the last bit sounds fun). We’re talking about facing up to the emotions and the pain.Jul 09 2019 Can you have everything in your life together?
Ask Indigo is an opportunity for you to ask our psychologists & therapists questions you've always wanted to ask! This week, The Indigo Project's founder, and Head Psychologist, Mary Hoang, talks about whether it's possible to have everything in your life together...Jul 03 2019 How to kick ass for the rest of 2019
So, half the year is gone and Christmas is just six months away. We’re not freaking out… you are. Before you start panicking about everything you haven’t done yet, give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far and let’s do a little check-in.