Nov 07 2024 Feb 03 2021 Why We Choose People Who Aren’t Good For Us (And How To Break The Chain)
Ever wondered if you are the only one falling for the wrong people all the time? That guy who doesn’t seem interested in getting to know you properly, or that girl who seems emotionally distant? Well, fear not, because you are not alone and we’ve got tips for you...Dec 23 2020 Dec 18 2019 We wish you a… Our honest wishes for you, at this time of year.
This time of year is often full of wishes of good will. Folks wishing you a “Merry Christmas” and a “Happy New Year” – But as ~nice~ as that is, sometimes we need some well wishes that are a little meatier, that help us cling onto something precious or hopeful or beautiful for the future, in light of all the challenges and hardships we may currently face. So we decided to put together a few of our own wishes of good will, that will hopefully resonate with you, wherever you’re at…Oct 30 2019 Our four greatest fears (and what they say about us)
Acknowledging what we’re most afraid of can help us honour the pain of past hurt, as well as provide insight into the things in life that are meaningful and important to us. Often we share many of the same fears, because humans generally find meaning and purpose in many of the same things – and we fear having these things allude us or dissolve in our lifetime.Aug 08 2019 Time to Say Goodbye
In her ground-breaking book On Death and Dying, the Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross claims that “people in mourning have to come to grips with death before they can live again”, and dealing with a break-up is no different.Apr 10 2019 Grief, Loss & After Life
Experiencing grief and loss can be one of life’s greatest challenges. There is rarely another experience that effects, consumes and transforms you in quite the same way, and you can never go back to being the same exact person you were before.Mar 20 2019 Death Meditation
The Death Meditation is an embodied installation that explores mortality, impermanence and the fragility of the human experience. Challenging, arresting, and unique – the Death Meditation guides participants through an experience of their own death, and the death of someone they love.