Nov 07 2024 Aug 19 2024 Jul 20 2021 Our Lockdown Survival Guide
With our cities plunging into lockdown after lockdown, things can get draining, anxiety-inducing and isolating. You're not the only one who's feeling "over it". So how do we make it through?Jul 07 2021 Beautiful Books for Tough Times
We asked our online community which books have been the most valuable and inspirational in terms of mental health and personal development, and we got some real gems to share with you.Apr 26 2021 An Antidote to Hustle Culture
The relentless pursuit of all things "hustle" might look like the only option when it comes to fulfilling our goals, however there can be a dark-side. We chatted to Indigo Psychologist, Jacob Rath, about the negative impact that hustle culture might hold for us and how we might explore some healthier alternatives.Mar 01 2021 Journaling: A How-To Guide
Journalling has been shown, time and time again in the research, to be something that helps us manage our mental health and develop a deeper understanding about our thoughts, feeling and behaviours. Some of the benefits of journalling include: Helping to manage anxiety, Reducing stress, Dealing with depression, Helping you prioritise goals and clarify values, Helping you work through problems, fears and obstaclesJan 07 2021 Why music is not only good for your soul, but great for your brain
Music has been part of human history for centuries. Music has had a place in our history from national anthems, protest songs, hymns, lullabies and love songs.Dec 23 2020 Dec 17 2020 6 Little Ways to Manage Your Anxiety In The Moment
Experiencing some anxiety is a normal part of life. Sometimes, it can get too much, and that's where we come in. We've got you covered.Nov 17 2020 I’m not actually addicted to my phone am I? *Sent from my iPhone*
Why do we have trouble resisting the urge to check our phones and/or put them down? Feel anxious when we know we’ll lose reception? Or have thoughts of being without our phone cause distress?