Nov 04 2020 Are you experiencing “re-entry” anxiety post-lockdown? Let’s talk about why that’s normal.
Whilst your friends and family may be pumped to get back “on the beers” and back to a COVID normal lifestyle, you may find yourself experiencing a sense of dread at the thought of interacting with others again. This is a normal response.Oct 08 2020 Signs that you ain’t doing great (and it might be time to ask for help)
Sometimes, life gets a little too much for us to hack – and it’s times like these we need to get brave, reach out and ask for help or support. Here are some signs that you might not be doing greatAug 05 2020 How to deal with uncertainty (when you’re anxious and you know it)
The bad news is that there is no easy-hack to eliminate uncertainty from our lives. But the good news is that there are ways we can learn to live with and relate to it - even when it’s particularly challenging. Below are a few suggestions to help guide you through the rocky terrain of uncertainty. When practiced regularly, these tips will hopefully help you foster a relationship with uncertainty that isn’t one solely characterised by flat-out denial or abject terror.Jul 01 2020 These are the stress & anxiety-busting tools psychologists can’t live without.
We all live busy lives, full of stress, anxiety and regular doses of the unexpected. When we need guidance or support with life-stuff, we turn to our psychologists and mental health practitioners. But what do our psychologists do to take care of themselves and live aligned to their values when life gets nuts?Jun 24 2020 Finding a fresh start out of iso (journalling activities to reflect on your time in lockdown)
With the help of Mary Hoang, Indigo’s founder, we’ve compiled some journalling activities below to help you reflect on your experience in isolation, and use those reflections to positively shape your life ahead. Our community has also shared some of their own experiences, which may also resonate with you in your personal reflection.Jun 17 2020 5 ways to support your male friends
This week is Men’s Mental Health week, and while we’re making great strides at smashing the stigma when it comes to men and mental health, men are still experiencing mental health conditions such as depression and substance use disorders at alarming rates, and dying by suicide at a rate three times greater than females.May 01 2020 Am I Okay or Am I Not Okay? An Investigation
With the emergence and continuation of this strange, unfamiliar and disruptive way of life, there has been a great deal of talk of the idea of “coping”. Feelings of anxiety, grief, loss, confusion, restlessness, depression and fear have gripped many of us (for me, a few of them, a few times over). And often, I find myself asking the question, “So, am I okay?”Apr 21 2020 Why relationships might feel tough right now
Feeling like your relationships are a bit of an uphill slog at the moment? You're not alone. When dealing with our own personal challenges, it can feel tough to show up completely, in empathetic and supportive ways, for those around us. But here's how we can try...Apr 15 2020 6 tips to support a friend who’s feeling anxious
If you're noticing you've got a friend or family member who's feeling pretty anxious right now and are keen to support them, here are 6 tips to help you show up for your loved ones in genuine and supportive ways, during this uncertain and unstable time.Mar 25 2020 7 Tips To Manage Anxiety
If you're struggling to manage your anxiety at this time - you are not alone. There are lots of resources and strategies out there at the moment, but here are a few we've compiled if you're keen for a few alternative approaches...