As a little relief from all the grimness permeating our social feeds & inboxes right now, we thought we’d lighten the mood with a compilation of our favourite quarantine-themed meme’s and tweets.
They made us chuckle, and pretty much everyone could use a laugh right now…
1. Hey fever, not the time or place.
2. We like feelings, but.
3. Don’t ask us to do the next bit, though…
4. Bloody useless.
5. My manifestation powers are busted.
6. Being comfy ain’t no crime.
7. Willing to try anything at this point.
8. *panics internally*
9. 1 star on yelp.
10. Just to clarify…
11. Sweet, now I understand…
12. A little home-school inspo for the kids…
13. Yeah, we don’t need that anymore…
14. Ugh. I hate group assignments.
15. Comfort is king.
16. My shadow’s the only one who walks beside me.
17. Max. 2ppl per household.
18. Seriously, guys.
Stay safe. Be gentle and kind with yourself. And remember we’re here for you if you need mental health support during this time. We’re also offering bulk billing options if you’re in a tough place financially right now too. So don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can help.
This post was written by @ashking, psych researcher, provisional psychologist and Indigo’s content manager. If you’ve got any requests or suggestions for content, you can get in touch with her here.