As of July 1, we will gradually be making our way back into our Surry Hills practice.
But things have changed a bit – to ensure your health & wellbeing, as well as that of our staff and practitioners.

After a pretty challenging few months, we are very excited to announce a gradual return to the Surry Hills practice from July 1. That means you get the option to resume face-to-face sessions with your practitioner (however, the option to continue with Zoom sessions will also still be available). Practitioners will slowly be returning to the practice throughout July, and we’ll be fully open as of August 1.
But of course, the world has shifted over the past few months and so have we. Supporting your body and mind is now more important than ever, so we’ve put some systems in place to ensure your heath, safety and peace of mind.
- Frequent cleaning: The practice will be deep cleaned regularly by professional cleaners.
- Our communal and public waiting areas will be amply spaced to meet social distancing guidelines.
- Contact-free temperature checks on arrival for all staff & visitors.
- All rooms and spaces will be equipped with easy-to-access hand sanitiser, and practitioner rooms wiped down after each session.
- All session rooms will ensure 1.5m spacing between you and your practitioner.
- All sessions will start on time and be strictly 50min in length, to give us time to clean each room prior to the next session.
Of course, if you are feeling under the weather, or have any mind cold or flu-type symptoms, we kindly ask that you stay home and rest up – for your safety and everyone else’s. If you don’t want to miss out on therapy, we’d be more than happy to shift your booking to a telehealth session.